
Slowly Climbing Stairs!

  Old man Joe wearily trudged up the stairwell of 20 steps. Putting one worn-out foot ahead of the other, his creaking knees counted the number of remaining steps. 15… 14... 13… Panting and sweating as he reached the landing, he heard his cozy sack call out his name. 12… 11... 10… “Almost there..” , he muttered, his half-closed eyelids lusting for some shut-eye. 3… 2… 1… Finally. He plodded to his room, yearning for deep slumber, when he just realized to his horror: he forgot to let the cat back in.

The little pink fishes swam upstream and died!

For as long as anyone could remember, the school of small pink fishes flourished joyfully in their secluded pond that was fed by a small rivulet that branched off the side of a massive, rushing river. As the years wore on, the pond experienced much decay due to the flotsam from a nearby sawmill. Rumor had it that there was another pond up the river that was as pristine as this pond once was. Despite all the fierce dangers that the piscine pond-dwellers knew they would encounter on their way to safe haven, they bravely set off on their perilous journey. As the little fishes fearlessly propelled their pink fins upstream of the frothy current, the waves thundering as they slammed against the massive rocks, their puny bodies were helplessly battered against the powerful efflux. When they finally reached the placid paradise, their bodies hopelessly collapsed from the vicious pummeling they endured while wading upwards. As they gasped their dying breaths, they knew that they had attained bli...

Miracle May!

   Miracle May I witnessed a glittering spectacle that Saturday And those crystal angels flurried in later May And though a white blanket paved the roads that night Everyone knew that things would be alright   When I looked out the window on Sunday The white pavement became black in just one day But this disappearance is something they all know That such miracles never last for very long, also !

This is a Diamante!

  Deeds Harmful, Benevolent Helping, Donating, Maltreating Bounteous, Deleterious, Discordant, Euphonious Encouraging, Squawking, Calming Harmonious, Raucous Words

Green Veggies!

  Green Veggies! The nasty taste shivers the tongue, and their appearance emits distasteful moods. But if we judge them based on these traits alone, do we see the nutritious benefits to these green foods?

The Birds of Light

The Birds of Light By Diya Krishnan   I saw a mysterious aura with a glow The sweet grass clung to a drop of dew And the critters tweeted the feeling anew And the once-gusty winds ceased to blow And it was like the world had put on a show And this beautiful glory was not seen by few So many different kinds of birds gathered to coo In a place that no people know.   But then we heard a crack Among all the noise That the great tree lost its charm When it broke its arm And we had no choice But to fly all the way back. In this poem, the tree is a metaphor for a good woman who happily accepts assigned responsibilities. Each bird, light by itself, represents an incremental pinprick of a chore or an injury. The euphonious first stanza hides the strain that the tree undergoes with the accretion of each bird. While no single bird can harm the tree, the cumulative impact of a large flock of birds cannot be ignored. The crack of the tree limb represents the final snapping of the good pers...

The Odyssey, Retold

Brian sauntered into Gabby’s room and plopped himself with a smug smile on the straight-backed chair near the door. “Have you finished reading   The Odyssey   yet? I just got done with it.” Gabriella glanced up from her book for a moment and murmured, “Been there, done that.”  “It was such a great read!” Brian exclaimed. “Homer sure knows how to write. And when you tie it to The  Iliad , it’s so much better. And the heroes in the stories are so cool and interesting!” “Like who?” Gabby queried. “Achilles, of course! He was so brave.” Gabby rolled her eyes. “He was a total butcher. Even the rivers wanted to drown him. The only reason he survived to the end of the story is because of Hera.” “I liked Ajax the Younger, too!” “He was a completely brainless monster!” Gabby remarked, trying her best to stifle back a sigh. “He went against Athena and got himself impaled on a rock.” “Boy, you really hate those two, don’t you!” Brian gasped. “You sure don’t have anything agains...