Thunder and shadow (spoilers) #2

Remember when I reviewed this book in my old blog? How I said that it was "probably one of the best books I have ever read"?  I recently re-read it and now I have second thoughts about it.

Synopsis: Alderpaw has ventured to the SkyClan gorge, just to discover that rogues have driven out SkyClan. He returns unsuccessful, but he has found sisters, Twigkit and Violetkit, who he believes are crucial factors to the prophecy given("Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear out the sky."). The rogues have also hunted their way back home to the lake, and ShadowClan, the weakest Clan at that time, fell to the clutches of the rogues.

Thoughts: The first few chapters of Thunder and Shadow felt slowly paced. I was also a little disconcerted at the times when Twigkit wanted to be a medicine cat. ThunderClan already has three of them!
However, the chapters with Violetkit/paw as the POV were my favorite, because I could see the struggles faced by ShadowClan, their interactions with the rogues, and how they finally lost to the rogues.

VERDICT: Thunder and Shadow isn't as exciting as Shattered Sky or River of Fire, but it is still a decent read.


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